вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Wicker sculpture of palm leaves

Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) We have already made ​​sure that all great and great - just . And it proves to us once again the Egyptian artist Ahmad Asqalaanee ( Ahmad Askalany ) , author of unusual wicker figures , this year representing Egypt at the Venice Biennale. "Simplicity - that's my philosophy " - says Ahmad Asqalaanee . - " It helps to convey the idea of ​​the viewer directly , without going into details ." Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Giant sculpture artist Cairo , the main party of the International Exhibition of Modern Art, greeted visitors at the entrance to the Egyptian Pavilion. Wicker trehmetrovye figures of women politely polunaklonivshis , invited visitors to enter the hall and get acquainted with the world of sculpture master Ahmad Asqalaanee , which presents mummy kissing men and women , figures, smoking hookah, and nice chatting on the balcony or sitting in comfortable chairs . But the most striking of them all is, of course , high-spirited glass transport rolls on the bike . Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures self-taught artist Ahmad Asqalaanee made ​​of palm leaves , using a fairly simple technique of weaving , similar to that as girls braid their pigtails . Copyright chosen material palm leaves , as they are the traditional building material in Upper Egypt. Objective - show normal human life has no place for aggression and the dark side. Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany )

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