вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Porcelain second-hand from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan)

Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) Second Hand has long ceased to be solely a store for the poor, because we all know that there is possible to find good branded items or "raw material" for their own needlework experiments. I do not know whether our current buys clothes heroine in such stores, but utensils for the creativity it zatarivaemsya there. British artist and designer Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) loves to visit thrift shops , so-called " garage " and other sales, rummage in the departments for discounted items. Its purpose - to find another porcelain dish , a plate or tray . And not because she had no money on the dishes. Karen creates lampions of porcelain works of art. Well, or creative interior decoration , if the " works of art" sounds too pathetic ... Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan ) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The process of making creative dishes simple and complicated at the same time . Karen Ryan on special system removes crockery decorative painting , and makes it so that in the end once inflicted images are transformed into letters and symbols . Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan ) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The artist draws a cymbals words for feelings and emotions : love, hate, frustration, fear , guilt, boredom , anger, anger , sadness ... She believes that the rich also cry , and people used to use these plates of expensive , fine china , probably experienced similar feelings. So in a creative project Porcelain Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) as embodied the whole spectrum of human emotions . Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan)

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