вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Sculptures manga Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson)

Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Young Finnish sculptor from Helsinki named Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) creates unusual ceramic sculptures of cute , eyed little girls , animals and shapes that resemble a humanoid . Ceramics, glass , clay, polyester putty , paint for cars - these are the basic materials that Kim Simonsson uses to create sculptural shapes , very reminiscent of Japanese cartoon characters and manga . Sometimes with inlays of gold and silver sculptures in human growth often covered with a layer of white polish that makes them look like big porcelain statuetki.Skulptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Through its work , the Finnish sculptor explores some important questions and issues that affect not only himself, but also , perhaps , many of us. Through the creation of some of his works, Kim Simonsson formulates questions , presenting the cultural practices and beliefs , both social and religious , on the basis of non-traditional perspective. In others, he explores the relationship of modern man to nature , revealing the problem of alienation and pollution. Figures of children and animals in this context are more obvious example . Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Combining ceramic art and cartoons manga, Simonsson manages to minimize the differences between traditional and popular culture , as well as eliminate the gap between the western and eastern culture. In addition, Kim Simonsson combines aesthetic and ethnic aspects in Svay ceramics. Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Success and recognition of ceramic art of Kim Simonsson were achieved in all exhibitions around the world , which is a clear indication that the sculptor found aesthetic language for lifting issues important to all people , regardless of their culture.

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