четверг, 13 марта 2014 г.

Decorate your laptop - easier

Creative MakbukHotya kinds of mobile phone cases , players and laptops nowadays you can find a great variety , sometimes you can see exactly the same , even a person from your university. It is understandable, because the beautiful models are popular , and many want to follow mode.Odnako if you have a well-developed imagination and have the talent , you can even make your laptop is not the same as everyone else. For example , the user , known online under the name of L But it is necessary to evaluate not so much the manner of execution as the idea itself. One thing - to attach your picture on a laptop or a small logo sticker from the package with chewing gum , and another - to conceive such a cool idea and implement it as efficiently. Reading the comments under the work of the author , you can see that a lot of this idea came to mind . He also wrote that if someone liked drawing, you can simply write your mail, and it sends the image . Creative MacBook really, minuses of such work is not! Is that the image will fade with time , but we do not know how it was glued . In short, you can think about it then :) And yet - to decorate their vehicles in this way and to pass for the university the most creative person! Creative MakbukIdeya belongs to L

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