вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Very strange architectural objects from paper

Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthMnogie wonder what actually is the creative impulse that motivates her to create such intricate architectural designs of paper? And artist Jane South always responds that gets inspiration idle rolling on a bicycle on the beloved New York. Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthIspolzuya such simple items as paper, wood , balsa , acrylic fibers , Jane South creates three-dimensional sculptures, resembling industrial remnants of 19th century architecture - warehouses with no windows , a marina, cranes, and growing technological infrastructure of the 21st century - a large satellite antenna terminals that meet her every day and more than once. When it passes over the Brooklyn Bridge , they all appear on the horizon in the form of a small clear linear structure. Sculpture of three-dimensional architectural objects or mechanical elements artist carefully cuts and folds of the paper , making them look like a wall installation. Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthGovorya about yourself , it's hard to understand what exactly reproduces one or another installation, but he admires the work and diligence , which the artist has invested in the creation of each of them , making extremely detailed sculptures and difficult to construct . Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane South

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