вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Funny birds Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg)

Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) If people love something , they try something this special attention. In the case of an artist Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg), her interest birds - crows, titmouse , starlings - and that is devoted to them all her paintings created akvarelyu.Leontina Greenberg lives in New York , giving every spare moment painting. According to the artist , she draws a lifetime, as he can remember , but watercolor as an artistic material for his work , discovered only three years ago . Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Drawing birds , mostly crows , Leontine Greenberg, as if the canvas recreates the entire stories about the life of birds. Her drawings are more like illustrations for children's stories , fairy tales or fables. They live their lives as they come up for Leontine Greenberg . Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings of birds, painted in watercolor, Leontine Greenberg eats online store Etsy. And if you liked her cheerful bird drawings and you want to see more jobs , then visit the artist's personal website .

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