понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

Strange, surreal art Belarusian artist Olga Belsky impresses with its diversity! So that only you find any of her works: and couples, and birds, and even modern interpretation of Egyptian mythology they can find. Philosophical names of paintings evoke some melancholic mood, what can we say about the specific technique work, without exaggeration drive in a meditative state. But whether it is art or just kitsch?

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

Olga works in monotype technique - the median genre between drawing and painting (kind of printmaking). In psychology and pedagogy, it is used for the development of the technique of monotype imagination in preschool children. And as in mixed media, graphic materials in watercolor, pencil, application, pencil, gouache, oil, acrylic.

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

The names of many of her works are full of not only philosophical sense, but strange: for example, "Tea drinking tea with Princess Magic Dog" or "cabinet angel." Understand what it all means is very difficult, but even if you throw these works a glance, you will see that they are drawn to the soul and diligence. From them may blows something meditative, but not menacingly scary, as it often happens in contemporary art.

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

Pacified faces painted very, very tentative, very small range of colors, which in other cases might seem annoying, there is rather quiet. But at the same time, the work looks very stylish and even somewhere ethnicity, but in a place so naive and childish cute and directly.

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

Olga was born in Brest Bel'skaya October 6, 1979. In 1997 she graduated from Brest school number 10 with an artistic and architectural bias. In 2002 she graduated from the Brest State University. AS Pushkin (specialization - "Folk arts and crafts"). Since 2006 actively publishes work in virtual galleries. Her works are in private collections in Belarus, Russia, Czech Republic, Israel and France.

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work. art on sale

Drawing technique monotopii: Olga Belsky work.

See more works by Olga Belsky can at its Online. There is also a link to the temporary storage of new works by the artist.

среда, 26 марта 2014 г.

A film about the stickers and stickers of

While the directors and producers are scratching their heads over the next interesting movie, designers prefer to create their own movies. And other than the art of it and did not call! However, there is still present and enormous work.

To create your relatively small film, designer Bang-yao Liu took 3 months and 4 days of filming, and, most importantly, 6000 small colored stickers! Of course, he did not work alone, yet this project create yourself alone in such a short time is simply unrealistic. And the length of the film was only a minute and 56 seconds. Everything is clear, but where is there the stickers? Everything is very simple. In the picture we see a lot of successive frames, which depicts the designer himself, sitting at the computer and the wall in front of him. And on the wall and place the most interesting events ... On her kleetsya dozens, hundreds, thousands of stickers, all of this action is photographed, but, of course, without the presence of other people and workers. Then, all the pictures are mounted in a clip, and we get the finished film. In it we can see how the designer spends his working day. It all starts with checking email, working in Word, then we see that the designer is sleeping and dreaming about something to him ... We see how he hides from the rain of stickers, riding in races on the track of stickers, like emoticons stickers are threatening to eat it and much more.
A film about the stickers and stickers of

A film about the stickers and stickers of

We strongly recommend you watch both clips as one clip shows itself over which the designer worked for so long and his assistants, and the other - the process of creating pictures on the wall. Seeing all this, you know that three months is not enough for that! Perhaps the practical value of such a film has, it does not make much sense and morality, but the main thing is clear - the designer realized his dream! Even at the cost of such efforts.

вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

2009 Chalk Festival in Pasadena

Chalk Festival 2009 PasadenePrazdnuya 17th anniversary in Pasadena Chalk Festival opened this year its arms for 600 artists who came to express their bright creative ideas on smooth pavement Paseo Colorado, turning it into a painting with hundreds of the most different pictures drawn with chalk. The biggest event in the world of street drawings lasted for two days - from 20 to 21 June , the period of which was used 25,000 crayons . Festival 2009 at PasadeneFestival chalk chalk chalk PasadeneFestival 2009 at 2009 in Pasadena street paintings found expression variety of styles and have been affected by a variety of topics : here we meet and classic and modern , fantasy and fairy theme , met picture on the social and political themes . Worked as individual artists , and the whole group of street artists , as well as groups representing art schools, museums and cultural centers . Prestigious cultural event in Europe, North and South America gathered in one area of creative people of different nationalities and ages as well as a huge number of lovers, and street art , who came just to watch the process of birth vivid pictures painted with chalk. Festival 2009 at PasadeneFestival chalk chalk chalk PasadeneFestival 2009 2009 2009 PasadeneFestival chalk PasadeneKrome unique opportunity to observe the work of the masters of street art , guests had the chance to participate themselves in the creative process . Especially for children 's playground has been allocated for drawing CHALKLAND, where young artists could try yourself as a young creators. Festival 2009 at PasadeneFestival chalk chalk chalk PasadeneFestival 2009 2009 2009 PasadeneFestival chalk PasadenePo end of the festival artists were awarded prizes for best picture, best technique, the best use of color , the best three-dimensional image and a lot of other prizes to encourage artists to come back again and again and reach great heights in the street art .

Colorful surrealist artist Vadim positive Ryakhovsky

Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim RyahovskogoKartiny Tatar artist Vadim Ryakhovsky Nizhnekamsk can be used as color therapy : they are so bright, colorful and positive . And despite the fact that the characters are not all of his works will be sweet and cute, we should not forget that " horrible person - good inside." And the kindness and friendliness of all these colorful monsters and other creatures , imaginary Tatar schedule is simply impossible to doubt . Vadim Ryahovsky - a longtime supporter of Surrealism , but not gloomy , but fun and fabulous . Talking about it , even the names of the pictures : " The inventor , three women and two donkeys ," "Big Yellow fish" , " Red grass is not to ," " Mood number 1 ", "7 minutes in the afternoon ", "Who tied the twins? " " fairy Godmother ," " a Month in the window" ... Is not that something consonant with titles that gives his blond angel Ukrainian artist Evgenia Gapchinskaya ? All its wonderful creatures he portrays colored pencils on drawing paper , and only some of his works are oil on canvas . Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim RyahovskogoEksperty believe Ryakhovsky paintings devoted to all the world, and at the same time nothing specific , because the longer they are treated , the more you find new parts , the more associations there , and sometimes in a particular story , you can find yourself, your friends or colleagues. Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim RyahovskogoKstati confirms guesses of experts and the artist himself . According to him, the paintings depict many dreams and fantasies , and everyone must think of what he wants to see . And if you really try - all out. A still picture Vadim Ryakhovsky something like Egyptian drawings . Something barely perceptible ... Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky Positive and colorful surrealism Vadim Ryakhovsky

Funny birds Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg)

Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) If people love something , they try something this special attention. In the case of an artist Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg), her interest birds - crows, titmouse , starlings - and that is devoted to them all her paintings created akvarelyu.Leontina Greenberg lives in New York , giving every spare moment painting. According to the artist , she draws a lifetime, as he can remember , but watercolor as an artistic material for his work , discovered only three years ago . Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Drawing birds , mostly crows , Leontine Greenberg, as if the canvas recreates the entire stories about the life of birds. Her drawings are more like illustrations for children's stories , fairy tales or fables. They live their lives as they come up for Leontine Greenberg . Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings, watercolors painted by Leontine Greenberg (Leontine Greenberg) Paintings of birds, painted in watercolor, Leontine Greenberg eats online store Etsy. And if you liked her cheerful bird drawings and you want to see more jobs , then visit the artist's personal website .

Very strange architectural objects from paper

Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthMnogie wonder what actually is the creative impulse that motivates her to create such intricate architectural designs of paper? And artist Jane South always responds that gets inspiration idle rolling on a bicycle on the beloved New York. Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthIspolzuya such simple items as paper, wood , balsa , acrylic fibers , Jane South creates three-dimensional sculptures, resembling industrial remnants of 19th century architecture - warehouses with no windows , a marina, cranes, and growing technological infrastructure of the 21st century - a large satellite antenna terminals that meet her every day and more than once. When it passes over the Brooklyn Bridge , they all appear on the horizon in the form of a small clear linear structure. Sculpture of three-dimensional architectural objects or mechanical elements artist carefully cuts and folds of the paper , making them look like a wall installation. Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane SouthGovorya about yourself , it's hard to understand what exactly reproduces one or another installation, but he admires the work and diligence , which the artist has invested in the creation of each of them , making extremely detailed sculptures and difficult to construct . Sculptures made of paper from Jane SouthSkulptury paper from Jane South

Porcelain second-hand from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan)

Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) Second Hand has long ceased to be solely a store for the poor, because we all know that there is possible to find good branded items or "raw material" for their own needlework experiments. I do not know whether our current buys clothes heroine in such stores, but utensils for the creativity it zatarivaemsya there. British artist and designer Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) loves to visit thrift shops , so-called " garage " and other sales, rummage in the departments for discounted items. Its purpose - to find another porcelain dish , a plate or tray . And not because she had no money on the dishes. Karen creates lampions of porcelain works of art. Well, or creative interior decoration , if the " works of art" sounds too pathetic ... Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan ) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The process of making creative dishes simple and complicated at the same time . Karen Ryan on special system removes crockery decorative painting , and makes it so that in the end once inflicted images are transformed into letters and symbols . Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan ) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The artist draws a cymbals words for feelings and emotions : love, hate, frustration, fear , guilt, boredom , anger, anger , sadness ... She believes that the rich also cry , and people used to use these plates of expensive , fine china , probably experienced similar feelings. So in a creative project Porcelain Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) as embodied the whole spectrum of human emotions . Full range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate from Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan) The whole range of human emotions in a porcelain project Second Hand Plate by Karen Ryan (Karen Ryan)

Wicker sculpture of palm leaves

Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) We have already made ​​sure that all great and great - just . And it proves to us once again the Egyptian artist Ahmad Asqalaanee ( Ahmad Askalany ) , author of unusual wicker figures , this year representing Egypt at the Venice Biennale. "Simplicity - that's my philosophy " - says Ahmad Asqalaanee . - " It helps to convey the idea of ​​the viewer directly , without going into details ." Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Giant sculpture artist Cairo , the main party of the International Exhibition of Modern Art, greeted visitors at the entrance to the Egyptian Pavilion. Wicker trehmetrovye figures of women politely polunaklonivshis , invited visitors to enter the hall and get acquainted with the world of sculpture master Ahmad Asqalaanee , which presents mummy kissing men and women , figures, smoking hookah, and nice chatting on the balcony or sitting in comfortable chairs . But the most striking of them all is, of course , high-spirited glass transport rolls on the bike . Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany ) Sculptures self-taught artist Ahmad Asqalaanee made ​​of palm leaves , using a fairly simple technique of weaving , similar to that as girls braid their pigtails . Copyright chosen material palm leaves , as they are the traditional building material in Upper Egypt. Objective - show normal human life has no place for aggression and the dark side. Sculptures Asqalaanee Ahmad ( Ahmad Askalany )

Awesome portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan)

Awesome portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) artworks Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) frightening , disturbing , wrong , contradictory . And with these influential and "dark " work appeared talent has taken a worthy place in the big arena of art. Awesome portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Daunting portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Daunting portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Very difficult to say who exactly portrays Gavin Nolan - whether people , or zombies , and why he writes so not aesthetically attractive defective portraits. One gets the impression that the author inspiration comes from the afterlife . There is a perception , and that Gavin Nolan depicts not the people themselves and their inner world , evil, living inside a person and possibly break out , distorting the appearance of an attractive person . Awesome portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Daunting portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Daunting portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Daunting portraiture Gavin Nolan (Gavin Nolan) Gavin Nolan Born in 1977 in Wales, graduated from the School of Arts at the University of Loughborough, as well as the Royal Academy of Arts. Artist holds exhibitions of his work in London, Berlin , Naples , Copenhagen and Tokyo. His last show called "Hexen Reflex" shows Mark Moore Gallery in Los Angeles from May 2 to July 3 .

Giant vase with glowing flowers in Sydney

Giant vase with glowing flowers SidneeDizaynery work differently - sometimes they do projects on order, at other times on them as creators, finds inspiration and sometimes projects are confined to some events . And today we are just talking about the latter. In Australia , in Sydney this year , a festival of Vivid, it - a festival of music and light, of which our portal mentioned . However , I would like to elaborate on one of the installations presented at this festival , the benefit became known interesting facts about her. During the festival , and it lasted nearly three weeks , was shown a plurality of light and music installations , one of which is this vase . Its just a gigantic sizes - as we can see in the photo , vase growth exceeds the ordinary man three times , and if you count with "flowers" , in six or seven . However, why we took the word flowers in quotation marks ? But the fact that this vase filled with fresh flowers are not , and light - that's the whole project and salt . Designed as a huge flower vase with the same huge flowers, the project is interesting not only for its appearance, but also the numbers. And there is something to gossip . Giant vase with glowing flowers SidneeNaprimer known that to create the installation was used 84 cable whose length exceeds 200 meters in total ! This is speaking of glowing flowers , but for all this equipment were taken three balls , and in total they provide 450V power ! Well, it should be noted and a vase or very likely pot - it is more like this Glybina . It was made of galvanized steel, iron sheets and plywood . It is difficult to imagine a vase made ​​of such materials , is not it? But given the size of the installation , the choice of materials is quite understandable. Giant vase with glowing flowers in Sydney at the festival was a huge kkolichestvo a variety of installations , this has attracted so many residents and tourists for its size and beauty . Still, not every day you see a vase with such beautiful flowers. Which , with all of this , several times greater than your height . Project involved the creation of designer Warren Langley

Sculptures manga Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson)

Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Young Finnish sculptor from Helsinki named Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) creates unusual ceramic sculptures of cute , eyed little girls , animals and shapes that resemble a humanoid . Ceramics, glass , clay, polyester putty , paint for cars - these are the basic materials that Kim Simonsson uses to create sculptural shapes , very reminiscent of Japanese cartoon characters and manga . Sometimes with inlays of gold and silver sculptures in human growth often covered with a layer of white polish that makes them look like big porcelain statuetki.Skulptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Through its work , the Finnish sculptor explores some important questions and issues that affect not only himself, but also , perhaps , many of us. Through the creation of some of his works, Kim Simonsson formulates questions , presenting the cultural practices and beliefs , both social and religious , on the basis of non-traditional perspective. In others, he explores the relationship of modern man to nature , revealing the problem of alienation and pollution. Figures of children and animals in this context are more obvious example . Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Combining ceramic art and cartoons manga, Simonsson manages to minimize the differences between traditional and popular culture , as well as eliminate the gap between the western and eastern culture. In addition, Kim Simonsson combines aesthetic and ethnic aspects in Svay ceramics. Sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) sculptor Kim Simonsson (Kim Simonsson) Success and recognition of ceramic art of Kim Simonsson were achieved in all exhibitions around the world , which is a clear indication that the sculptor found aesthetic language for lifting issues important to all people , regardless of their culture.

четверг, 13 марта 2014 г.

Cups with pictures

Cups with pictures of Bethan Laura WoodDizaynery not often indulge us with everyday objects associated with the food , but sometimes it happens. And we are interested in creative things that stand out from the mass of what we see on the shelves magazinov.Chashki with drawings from Bethan Laura WoodNaprimer designer Bethan Laura Wood suggested making cups with pictures at the bottom. However , when the cup is empty, we can not see these pictures - this is especially well arranged. As relief drawings , they need " colorize ", and that leaves marks on the dishes ? And tea and coffee , and sodas . Choose the most favorite drink and just drink tea and enjoy the process. But I'm afraid after a tea party figure will not be shown conclusively , the procedure is lengthy . You just need every day to drink a cup of this tea , and try to wash too . Cups with pictures of Bethan Laura WoodChashki with drawings by Bethan Laura WoodI here a couple of weeks , maybe a little more , the cup will be not just pretty , but very beautiful inside. At the bottom we see a really beautiful picture, painted nothing but a touch of tea or coffee. And it looks much prettier than the usual circles at the bottom, there is almost a masterpiece of modern art. It is interesting that these figures are not two or three , you can order and choose any one you like. Of course, this cup will cost "a little" more expensive than regular , already

Cash sculptures from Justine Smith

Cash sculptures from Justine SmithKak already proven by many artists and sculptors, the money can also serve as a great creative material , which is especially popular among Britons . Previously we mentioned about the British artist Adrian Firth, who creates beautiful realistic portraits of famous and well-known people from odnopensovyh coins and sculptor from London Justine Smith makes sculptures using paper money . Bill - it's just a piece of paper , but skillful hands and creative mind of the artist Justine Smith of them give birth to a world of amazing sculptures. The artist uses a variety of London notes to create sculptures of animals , different types of weapons , as well as making wonderful money bouquets, which undoubtedly will be glad to get every girl . Cash from Justine SmithDenezhnye sculpture sculpture sculpture by Justine SmithDenezhnye from Justine SmithJustine Smith was born in Somerset in 1971, now lives and works in London. She studied at the London School of Art . Her works are shown in museums and galleries not only in the UK but also abroad , sculpture talented British women are in many private collections. Cash sculptures from Justine SmithEe work - the study of our relationship to money in the political , moral and social sense . Her sculptures are not only an aesthetic purpose , they can also have a satirical sense. For example, a satirical response Justine Smith on introduction of the euro , had a sculpture that represents twelve dogs , arranged in a circle and try to grasp one coin . Each dog is made of different denominations twelve countries that have adopted the Euro. Cash sculptures from Justine SmithSeriya floral sculptures and weapons explores the idea of corruption and the influence of money on the strength of the individual. Sculptures made ​​only weapon of U.S. dollars , the artist has invested in this sense that money buys power, and that the U.S. is the richest nation , have this power. Weapon - a symbol of power , control, violence , danger, war and death . Cash sculptures from Justine SmithDenezhnye sculptures from Justine SmithBolshe Sculptor from UK Justine Smith you will see in the gallery.

Bento Art

Bento artBento - Japanese name noddle packaged foods that provide students with a mother in school, and caring wife collect favorite husbands to work. Bento - it's not just dinner , it's a ritual, it is art. It is known that in the East an essential element of any meal is the beauty of serving , so the preparation of traditional Japanese lunch fit enough creatively. Bento artKak usually bento includes rice , fried or scrambled eggs , meat , sausages, fish, seafood , beans , several kinds of sliced ​​raw or pickled vegetables in a box with a lid. As dessert was added , usually apple slices or mandarin . All seems very simple . But actually not so corny as it sounds. After all, these products do not just add up to the box, which also are of different types and forms, but of the products formed edible whole picture or small scenes on certain subjects . Definitely raises appetite, and children especially fun and enjoyable to try something unusual and tasty in the same time and sometimes brag to their friends tormozkom skillful . Bento - artBento artBento artYapontsy - propelled art Bento to unbelievable heights . Visual result is so good that sometimes there is a pity such a beauty and a desire to preserve his memory , but the feeling of the head takes effect and then hungry Japanese eats all over both cheeks. Bento Japan artV even hold competitions at the best serving and most beautiful designs of traditional meals that depict celebrities , animals, popular characters from cartoons or simply beautiful funny geezer . Bento Bento art art

Men's ring in a chip

Men's ring as a solid man chipaVzroslomu unlikely Give a ring - chalk , which draw on the asphalt. Still, that project has not been designed for men , but either to children or adolescents girls. But for the stronger sex designers offer something completely unimaginable. Men's ring as chipaEto ring is a replica of the chip computer game system Atari ( 1981 ), which speaks for itself . If a young person understands computers and remembers the first models of game consoles , of course , he will say that ring a lot. However , it's not just in the form of a ring . It 's not easy, but gold , as much as 18 carats. The idea of ​​this came to a head ornament Japanese designer Sakurako Shimizu, currently working in Brooklyn. Interestingly, there are two versions of the ring - gold and silver . Men's ring as Chipak Unfortunately, it is not known whether the accessory launched for sale or put up for auction , and maybe a designer and did send it to any gallery. Whatever it was , this man really love this gift . Of course, not all wear rings, bracelets and preferring limited cufflinks , but not put on such a sin . So I think the fans have such things definitely will . Designer : Sakurako Shimizu

Drawings in the sand Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan)

Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) simply creates drawings in the sand , using just the right stick, found on the beach. Fine, but short-lived. After all, like art only exists as long as the wave of the ocean does not wash over him and did not take all this with a masterpiece in its depths . Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Jim Denevan from Santa Cruz - a great surfer , working chef, and besides also world-renowned artist who draws in the sand . He has been practicing the creation of drawings on the spacious sandy beaches single from Santa Cruz to Half Moon Bay for the past nearly ten let.Hudozhnik Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) draws on the sand by hand. Finding the right stick, which is the only instrument of his creative process . The amazing thing is that Jim does not use any dimensional devices without first rascherchivaya and without conducting any measurements. In it one can hardly believe so geometrically correct and accurate figures obtained it . Jim draws, working up to seven hours a day and undergoing a total of 30 miles per day . Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Looking at the pictures on the sand with a bird's-eye view , they seem to be by some abstract patterns , but being on the ocean, directly on the beach , these figures become a very different form , forcing us to think about space, distance and perspective. Over time , all this will blow waves, without even leaving a trace . Artist Jim Denevan (Jim Denevan) Jim Denevan works were printed in magazines New York Times, National Geographic, Elle, as well as many other national and international publications.

Fotopazly Birze Roberts (Roberts Birze)

Photos from Roberts BirzeRasskazyvaya about his work , photographer Birze Roberts (Roberts Birze) said that his photographs may not be quite good, but probably will be of interest to all . Fancy photopictures catchy that they are created as a puzzle of many small fragmentary images that fit together photocanvas . Photos from Roberts BirzePeyzazhi , ordinary scenes of everyday life , the view of the city - to assemble a picture of one author must sometimes take up to 300 shots . Photos from Roberts BirzeRobertsa Birze often asked how he creates his photo pictures . Some believe that he has resorted to Photoshop . Not without it , of course. He shoots the same scene many times, and then collects all the photos in a photo editor and begins to crop, resize , choosing the right colors , images and sostykovyvaya them to get a whole cross-sectional images . Construction of such a picture of many small puzzle image resembles something that takes a long time to collect and patiently . In this paper, there is no secret , you just have to be able to plan and visualize the scene , which is reproduced . Photos from Roberts of Roberts BirzeFotografii BirzeFotografii from Roberts Birze

Geometric painting. Pattern of straight lines

* Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi ShibuyaPryamolineynost - not only human trait honest, open and impartial , but also paintings, which creates a certain Tadaomi Shibuya from Japan. How straightforward and impartial this artist , I have the honor of knowing , but judging from the pictures , he has a steady hand , a good eye and imagination. Paintings Tadaomi Shibuya, according to his own words, create harmony and balance in a world where perfectly straight lines often in the afternoon with fire not find . And at the same time , it does not mean that the author is strict and meticulous zanudliv . What's wrong with that man prefers the simplicity and clarity of confusion and nebulae ? * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi Shibuya * Straight * paintings by Japanese artist Tadaomi ShibuyaKto something , however, to celebrate creativity Tadaomi Shibuya is not the original form and creative ideas , and angularity and primitive ideas born of execution . However, if you think about it, all the original is always perceived with hostility , and only then , after some time , people realize how awesome was the work that they once had a chance to see . A poster's website , meanwhile, is at this address.

Decorate your laptop - easier

Creative MakbukHotya kinds of mobile phone cases , players and laptops nowadays you can find a great variety , sometimes you can see exactly the same , even a person from your university. It is understandable, because the beautiful models are popular , and many want to follow mode.Odnako if you have a well-developed imagination and have the talent , you can even make your laptop is not the same as everyone else. For example , the user , known online under the name of L But it is necessary to evaluate not so much the manner of execution as the idea itself. One thing - to attach your picture on a laptop or a small logo sticker from the package with chewing gum , and another - to conceive such a cool idea and implement it as efficiently. Reading the comments under the work of the author , you can see that a lot of this idea came to mind . He also wrote that if someone liked drawing, you can simply write your mail, and it sends the image . Creative MacBook really, minuses of such work is not! Is that the image will fade with time , but we do not know how it was glued . In short, you can think about it then :) And yet - to decorate their vehicles in this way and to pass for the university the most creative person! Creative MakbukIdeya belongs to L

Philosophical picture. "Dreams" Gedriusa Neturiauskasa (Giedrius Neturiauskas)

Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? There are bright and cherished dreams - they are light and emit light . And there are black and dark - the darkest and coldest . What are the "Dreams" depicts Lithuanian artist Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas) in a series of paintings titled "Dreams"? Our desires and dreams are so multifaceted and so numerous that if they gather in one large bag , it is unlikely to survive three elephants standing on a large turtle , which rests on the ground . But whatever it was , " Dreams " Gedriusa Neturiauskasa (Giedrius Neturiauskas) need a separate bag - very much ... they are unusual, strange , pugayuschie.Kollektsiya paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? It is unknown what philosophy Lithuanian artist puts into his work , and what all these his dreams . Not even know whether it is a dream , or is he, like any other man, endowed with talent from God , so sensitive to the world that is able to create an image made ​​with you our dreams, and it draws it. Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Collection of paintings titled * Dreams *. What dreams Gedrius Neturiauskas (Giedrius Neturiauskas)? Neturiauskas Yes, and people very complicated and mysterious about him only that he is an artist and photographer living in Vilnius. However, the artist is a creative gallery on the Internet, where you can explore the rest of his dreams and other philosophical works .

Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway)

Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) While there she was asleep on the ground, you'll never find Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) at work in the office or studio , it works and works under water . British photographer does amazing underwater shots . She photographs of men and women , and even children who exist in another incredible and fascinating underwater world. All of its work is very impressive. Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Xena was born in Bahrain , but was brought up in Britain. At age 18 , working in Egypt, Xena became one of the youngest qualified diving instructors PADI SCUBA. Over the next few years worked Xena underwater cameraman filming, filming movies and underwater photos for tourists, clients and their families in the Cayman Islands . In 1995, she returned to the UK and focused on his own work , photographing children and babies under the water , doing underwater photography and expanding its portfolio . Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Xena Holloway is considered a leading expert in underwater photography in the UK and abroad. Its high-quality images of children , swimming underwater, demonstrated in the number of programs : The Radio Times, Paris Match, The National Enquirer and BBC Human Body series. In 1998 the Royal Society awarded her the prestigious Photographers silver medal for a photo project «Waterbabies». Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) " Working on top of a very distracting " - Xena Holloway explains , describing the shortcomings of shooting in the studio or outdoors . Removing underwater photographer far from noise , it feeds some kind of magical power , it do something extraordinary , and it is plenty of room to do something unique and creative . Outstanding photographers who specialize in underwater photography is not so much, but Holloway believes that no one else besides her not only removes the water. Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) Xena very serious approach to the choice of models , it should see them under water. Sometimes it comes across a man who has no experience in diving , but has a huge potential , which fits perfectly into the story, and she loves the camera . And then the first British photographer trains his models , conducts training for diving, talking about how you need to hold your breath . Underwater beauty and grace from the photographer Xena Holloway (Zena Holloway) More underwater photographs Xena Holloway you can see in Geller .